Survival Guides for Any Situation

Having the knowledge you need means that you can survive short-term and long-term disasters. However, without knowing how to survive, you lessen your odds of making it through.

Survival guides are available to share the knowledge needed to help you to survive regardless of your location – and knowing and preparing for the different ways to survive in any territory will provide you the skills you need.

Surviving an emergency situation isn’t the same in a desert as it is in an urban setting. There’s also a big difference between surviving in the woods versus surviving a catastrophic weather event.

Regardless of where you are, always remember the first rule – Don’t Panic. Panic can lead you to make foolish decisions that will hamper your chances of making it through. Food, water and shelter should always be your focus.

With a survival guide for any situation, you’ll learn that when you’re traveling through a desert area, always have emergency supplies. No one ever expects a vehicle to break down or to get lost in the desert, but it happens.

Make sure you have a hat to cover your head, water, a mirror, and matches on hand. Matches are necessary because the temperatures in the desert drop at night. Not only that, but you can use matches to burn tires or other items to signal for help.

You should have a flashlight, a first aid kit and a blanket with you. Remember too, not to wander away from your vehicle – it’ll be harder for search teams to find you. But don’t sit in your vehicle because the temperatures inside can get too hot.

In contrast, urban survival is different in that people aren’t conditioned for the break down of societal rules following a disaster. Urban survival can quickly break down to simply food, shelter and staying alive.

Survival guides for urban survival always mention food storage, a means to cook the food, a water filter or purification tablets and facial masks to protect against contaminants.

Wilderness survival (not including the desert) can offer special challenges depending on the area. You’ll need a waterproof backpack packed with the following items: first aid kit, food bars, matches, a compass, a knife, string, water purification tablets and a parachute cloth or one man tent. You can use the string to tie to trees, drape the parachute cloth over it and create instant shelter.

Disaster survival guides will cover how to survive in any area for specific length of times (short-term and long-term). You’ll learn the supplies that you’ll need to have on hand and the guides can give you the self-confidence to survive any situation.

Depending on where you live, you may need more than one survival guide. The geography and the weather will dictate what information you need to know in order to survive a disaster.

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