survival plan

Preparing in Advance: Why Prepping is Essential for Survival

Why Prepping is Essential for Survival Preparing for emergencies, disasters, or any unexpected situations, has become increasingly popular in recent years. With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, people have now realized the importance of being prepared for the unknown. Prepping is becoming more than a hobby; it’s now a necessity if you want to ensure […]

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food storage

Storing and Conserving Food and Water for Emergencies

Why Store and Conserve Food and Water? Disasters can happen at any given moment and it is important to be prepared. One of the most essential aspects of emergency preparedness is having a stockpile of food and water. Storing and conserving food and water for emergencies can mean the difference between life and death. During […]

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Paracord – The Jack of All trades

Paracord is one thing that should be in any survival pack or bug out bag because its uses are practically limitless and it’s extremely tough. If you know how to tie a few good knots, paracord can replace anything from worn out strings in clothing to dog leashes. Paracord is also extremely inexpensive, so it’s […]

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What First Aid Kit do you Need?

A first aid kit is one of the most important items you can pack in a bug out bag. Making sure it has all of the essentials could easily save your life.  Despite your best efforts, someone is bound to be injured when bugging out. Having the right material and knowing how to handle the […]

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How to Save Space in Your Bug out Bag

The supplies in your bug out bag are there to help you to stay alive in a situation where you have leave home. If you pack everything except the kitchen sink, you will not be able to  carry it very far.  One way to cut down on what you pack is to use items that […]

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Bug Out Bag – How Heavy Should it Be?

Bug out bags come in various sizes with several options for attaching additional items.  Many of us tend to get carried away with creating the most complete bug out bag ever! However, doing this could mean you are slowed down by a heavy pack and are put in danger. A bug out bag that’s loaded […]

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Bug Out with the Right People

I’ll bet this is not something you have given much thought to (I had not until recently) but it deserves your attention. When the SHTF and you have to bug out, if you want to survive you should take care in choosing the people that you will be with. Your survival could depend on who […]

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How to Shop for Survival Gear

People almost always panic when an emergency arises – especially when it comes to natural disasters. Planning for natural disasters means planning ahead before the need arises. NOW is the time to get the items you need in order for your family to survive whatever may come (whether it’s a natural disaster or a man […]

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Top 5 Bug Out Bags

When disaster strikes, you don’t have time to decide which items you need to gather for survival. You need to be able to concentrate on leaving quickly with your supplies you already packed. To do that, you need to have a sturdy, dependable bag. Here are our top 5 choices. MonkeyPaks™ “Big Monkey” Tactical Military […]

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Best Survival Gear for a Family

In recent years, natural disasters and man-made disasters are occurring with more frequency than ever. It is just common sense to make sure that your family is prepared for any event. Preparation gear should always be in place before any disaster strikes. Gather your items and have them packaged and ready so that when the […]

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